
2008年6月3日 星期二

Day 2 ~富良野 (4 Nov 2007)

早餐:Sheraton Sapporo ~ buffet breakfast 

食完早餐去攞車,係香港已經 through email 在 "TOYOTA Rent a Car" 租左架車> Time & Date of rental: Nov 4 2007 9:00am~Nov 9 2007 8:00pm
> Place of rental : JR Shinsapporo station square
> Place of return : JR Shinsapporo station square
> Car type : P3 Corolla Fielder Non-Smoking
> Basic Price : 42,000JPY (5nights and 6days), prices include insurance and taxes.
> The GPS can guide you in English although characters on the screen are in Japanese. A phone number or map code will be helpful to key in your destination if you couldn’t understand Japanese at all.
佢個 GPS 好勁呀超好用,連地圖都唔洗睇,只要入 map code / tel. no.就可以帶你去到指定地方,仲幫你計埋路費及有得揀行唔行 highway,我地仲幫佢改左個名叫 "Mary姐" 
今次行程好隨意, 駕住架車去到邊停到邊, 好似下面達布山展望台及桂沢湖就係去美瑛途中所停的地方, 旅遊書冇介紹的 

本來諗住住呢間著名民宿 Pension Ken & Mary,但11月為淡季,暫停營業,唯有影相留念

住宿:Woody Life(@¥ 10,500 包一泊二食)
老闆話好多明星都係度住過, 香港的古天樂及楊千樺唔單只住過, 仲係度拍音樂特輯 tim


